The business was founded back in the early 1950's.
Hill purchased a 150-foot by 100-foot parcel of land on the west portion of this lot in 1955. The land was situated at the northeast corner of 48-acre parcel that sits directly to the west of the bridge. After the purchase, Hill began constructing a 30-foot by 60-foot cement block building to serve as a rutabaga processing plant. Bill formed a partnership with Stovel, who moved to Mitchell from Oxford County, to grow, pack and ship rutabagas to domestic and export markets. Stovel had the market connections, while Hill and other farmers supplied the rutabagas.
The new company, formed In August 1962, was called Stovel-Hill and Company Ltd. In 1963, the office area was moved from the main floor of the plant to a newly-constructed 20-foot by 30-foot second- storey addition. The company built a storage facility, prior to that time; rutabagas were stored in the basement of the plant and in pits dug in the ground. The pits were covered by a layer of plastic with straw piled on it in order to keep the rutabagas from freezing. As the rutabagas were needed for market, they were forked out of pits onto wagons and then forked off the wagons into the plant, where they were washed in a rotating drum immersed in water.
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As the years have gone by, our facility has gone through lots of changes!
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